Poison oak treatment

Friday, August 13, 2010
Poison ivy and poison oak are probably the most common allergenic plants in the United States. Poison ivy and poison oak are closely related plants found throughout the United States and Canada and grow as shrubs or vines. Poison oak has three shiny leaves and deeper serration and has fine hairs on its trunk and leaves.

Most people who come into contact with poison ivy or poison oak will suffer from a severe skin irritation. If you have been exposed to poison oak, you can often prevent a rash from developing by washing thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible. Unfortunately, most victims do not know about their contact until several hours or days later, when the itching and rash begin.

There are various method of poison oak removal. Poison oak can be controlled with glyphosate or certain other herbicides. If you don't want to use chemicals, manual removal will get rid of the poison oak or poison ivy.


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