Overcoming Panic Disorder

Friday, November 18, 2011
Today, millions of people in the United States suffer from panic disorders or panic attacks. Panic disorders are defined as sudden discrete periods of intense fear, characterized by symptoms such as palpitations and racing heart, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Several classes of medications have been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of panic disorder.

Researchers believe that low levels of serotonin are involved in the development of insomnia, depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. If the panic disorder is due to low levels of serotonin, enhancing the neurotransmission of serotonin may then treat the depression. For this reason, serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) drugs are effective in the treatment of panic disorder because the short-term effect of SSRI drugs is to increase the amount of active serotonin in the brain.

Zoloft is serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug that commonly prescribed to treat depression and panic disorder. The bad news is that Zoloft has been associated with side effects. Zoloft birth defects is the most serious side effects of Zoloft if taken by women during pregnancy.


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