Taking Care of Your Vision

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Millions of people have myopia, or nearsightedness, an inability to see distant objects clearly. A symptom of myopia is that distant objects appear blurry. It occurs when the light rays are refracted too sharply and the image focuses in front of the retina. In these cases, myopia also increases the risk of blindness. Myopia can be corrected by prescription glasses or contact lenses. Prescription lenses are curved in such a way that light is correctly focused onto the retina of the patient's eye. Prescription eyeglasses correcting for myopia will have negative diopter strengths.

If you can’t see distant objects clearly, you should go to eye doctor in your area to get prescription. A prescription is the written specifications for lenses for eyeglasses which are derived from an eye condition. Once you get prescription from eye doctor, go to eyeglasses stores to get the right eyeglasses that you need. Today, many eyeglasses stores are available on the internet. Make sure you order eyeglasses from reputable store.


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